Apply for a Grant
We are excited that you are thinking about submitting an application to CSF to fund your innovative idea. CSF awards two types of grants to fund initiatives that (i) take place in one or more of the six schools in the Chappaqua Central School District, (ii) during the school day, (iii) impacting a significant number of students and (iv) which are not able to be funded through the school district budget.
For a complete list of CSF grant eligibility requirements, read the CSF Grant Guidelines. If you are a member of the CCSD faculty or staff, a CCSD administrator or a Chappaqua parent or student who wants to partner with a teacher, we invite you to request funding for your idea by following the applicable grant application process outlined below. For help deciding whether you should use the traditional grant or the InstaGrant pathway, please contact the Grants Committee at grants@chappaquaschoolfoundation.org. View past grants here >
InstaGrant Application
Note: Choose "Make A Copy" to create a new application
The CSF InstaGrant program is used to fund initiatives in Chappaqua schools and classrooms through grants amounting to $2500 or less. The InstaGrant process is open throughout the school year, employs a faster review process and allows for grants to impact students during the school year. To assist applicants in their planning process, the timeline for review and approval of InstaGrants during the 2024-2025 school year can be found here: 2024-2025 InstaGrant Application Approval Timeline.
Generally, it is a four to six week process from submission to approval, depending on CSF Board meeting and Board of Education meeting dates. To learn more about our InstaGrant process, including eligibility requirements, please download the application form below. For questions, please email grants@chappaquaschoolfoundation.org.
Traditional Grant Application
The CSF traditional grant program allows Chappaqua teachers, administrators, parents and students to seek a grant to fund educational innovation in Chappaqua schools and classrooms. The traditional grant application process consists of two parts – Part 1, a simple Google form, which must be submitted by November 15, 2024, followed by a more comprehensive Part 2 application which is due January 2025.
By submitting the Part 1 form, applicants will share their grant idea with the CSF Grants Committee and CCSD administration. This will allow a member of the CSF Grants Committee to be paired with the applicant to help navigate the grants process and will also allow CCSD administrators to identify any potential issues with a grant idea (District curricular goals, implementation feasibility, health and safety concerns, etc.) so that these can be assessed before significant time and effort is put into the completion of the full Part 2 application. The grant idea identified on the Part 1 form must be sufficiently developed to allow for the initial review process, but may otherwise be in preliminary stage. No other permission or signatures are needed to complete Part 1 of the application. Part 1 must be submitted by November 15, 2024, in order to be eligible to file a full grant application in January 2025. Part 1 form submitters will be notified in early December whether or not their idea will move forward; the Part 2 application will be made available at that time.
CSF Grant eligibility requirements are set out in the CSF Grant Guidelines. Please note that because CSF has funded many innovative classroom design grants, CSF and CCSD have agreed that future full scale individual classroom redesigns will not be funded through CSF grants. If you have an innovative idea for a specific area of your classroom, you may pursue that concept through our InstaGrant process (see above). Potential applicants wishing to see the Part 2 application for grant planning purposes may obtain a copy by emailing grants@chappaquaschoolfoundation.org.​
For any questions regarding the grant process, please contact the Grants Committee chairs at grants@chappaquaschoolfoundation.org.