As a part of the CCSD K-12 district-wide sustainability initiative, this grant supported
the expansion of the study of life sciences, nutrition, and healthy eating through the
creation of a hydroponics classroom at Bell and Seven Bridges Middle School. Each
school will have one classroom that will be equipped with hydroponic farming
technology, which will provide year-round hands-on, project-based environmental
science education. The SunWorks curriculum included within this grant integrates
seamlessly with the CCSD middle school science, FACS, and STEAM classes. This
grant also provides year-long teacher training and systems support.
Ellen Moskowitz, Director of Professional Learning, Inquiry & Innovation, CCSD
Justin Olive, Director, K-12 Science
Taryn Delaney & Dana Stein-Dince, Bell Family & Consumer Science, Bell
Danielle Denmead & Jenny Gieras, Seven Bridges