Student Advisory Council
The CSF Student Advisory Council (“SAC” or “club”) at Horace Greeley High School (HGHS) began during the 2014-2015 school year as a way to include and amplify student voices within CSF’s work. This student-run, advisory group now operates as an official Greeley club with a dedicated student leadership team, overseen by a Greeley faculty advisor and the CSF Board member serving as the CSF SAC Committee Chair. The club includes a diverse group of students from all grades at Greeley, who lend their perspectives and inputs to the club’s bi-weekly meetings and ongoing work. The leadership team is made up of dedicated, long-time CSF SAC members who plan and run the club meetings, oversee all club activities and supervise and assist groups working on projects outside of club hours.
CSF SAC Core Functions
Enhance student experience in the Chappaqua Central School District (“CCSD”) by providing an opportunity for club members to have their voices heard on a variety of educational topics
Lend student voice to the CSF/CCSD Innovation Committee, an opportunity to collaborate with CSF Board members, district administrators, staff developers, teachers and their peers in developing new initiatives for the district
Research CSF-funded grants
Develop public speaking, communication, student leadership skills
Brainstorm new grant ideas (Grant Shark Tank)
Work with administrators and teachers to write and submit student-generated grants
Develop and execute student-driven fundraising ideas
Support CSF community events as event volunteers
Co-Presidents: Netra Easwaran, Jolie Leibner and Sarah Serota
Co-Presidents are responsible for the functioning of the CSF SAC Club. They plan and run all Club meetings, oversee all CSF SAC activities and meet regularly with their Executive Officers, Faculty Advisor and CSF Board SAC Committee Chair. The Co-Presidents are the primary liaison with HGHS administration and CSF Board SAC Committee Chair and represent the club at external meetings. The Co-Presidents each have an area of primary responsibility which includes overseeing the officers on the Executive Committee.
Vice President of Logistics and Reporting: TBD
Assistant Officer of Logistics and Reporting: TBD
These officers are responsible for assisting the Co-Presidents in communicating with club members about meeting times, tasks and timelines. They record meeting attendance and collect and log in the forms required of club members.
Vice President of Instagrant Inquiry: TBD
Assistant Officer of Instagrant Inquiry: TBD
These officers are responsible for ensuring that all new club members understand the grant research process. They will work with the club Co-Presidents to assign responsibility and, with the help of the club advisor, to select a grant team leader for each group. They act as a liaison with the CSF Grants Committee.
Vice President of Fundraising
These officers are responsible for proposing and organizing club fundraising activities and for organizing the SAC volunteers who provide assistance at CSF sponsored events such as the Food Truck Night.
Vice President of Fundraising
These officers are responsible for proposing and organizing club fundraising activities and for organizing the SAC volunteers who provide assistance at CSF sponsored events such as the Food Truck Night.
Vice President of Grant Proposals and Shark Tank: TBD
This officer is responsible for directing tasks related to the planning, implementation and follow-up of the CSF SAC shark tank. This person will also work with the Vice President of Grant Proposals, faculty advisor and CSF SAC Committee Chair to assist with any grant application development that arises from the shark tank or other club member grant ideas.
Vice President of SAC Marketing and Social Media: TBD
Assistant Officer of SAC Marketing and Social Media: TBD
These officers are responsible for assisting the CSF Board Marketing Committee in creating content in the student voice to promote CSF-funded grants and fundraising events.
Vice President of Recruiting: TBD
This officer is responsible for recruiting new members, including by developing marketing materials to advertise the club and to promote club activities. Responsibilities include assisting with the club booth at the Student Activity Fair and the Greeley Open House as well as running student outreach campaigns once a quarter.